Occasionally I will let Luke play in a normally locked cabinet in the kitchen, like his "snack" cabinet. There is nothing dangerous in there, he just likes to make a mess and pull everything out. But when I am trying to cook, I know this will keep him occupied and out from under my feet. Well today while making him Mac & Cheese for lunch said cabinet was opened to entertain. I totally forgot that I had put his "crunchies" in there. For all of you NOT raising Toddlers, Crunchies are made by Gerber and are essentially "baby cheetos" with zero nutritional value. There are puffed corn, salty cheese goodness. And Luke loves them—just like mommy. Well, as the cooking is going on, Luke gets a hold of the container, opens it up and begins munching away. I turn around just in time to see him stuffing his face with, not one, or two, but three crunchies at a time. Luckily I snatched the container away before they were dumped on the floor. AHHH, my little piggy. BTW, Luke was snacking on crunchies while this post was being written.
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