Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where's Waldo?

Well, perhaps you have not be wondering where Waldo is, but maybe where I have been the last few days. Here's a recap—The better part of Wednesday and all of Thursday were spent trying to not puke. Apparently I caught some kind of bug. I started to not feel great wednesday morning, but could function. My mom came down because I had big plans to repaint the basement. By Wednesday afternoon, I looked like death warmed over and mom sent me to bed while she looked after Luke. Mike and I had tickets to the Red Sox game that night, but I had already given my ticket to my brother, knowing that Fenway Park is not exactly comfortable for a pregnant woman in her 8th month. So Mike would be home very late. Mom stayed until Luke was in bed and I felt much better after some rest. I had a bowl of cereal for dinner and went to bed a 9pm. At 11:30 pm, I got to revisit bowl of cereal while hugging the toilet. Mike came home, took pity on me and said he would take care of Luke should he get up during the night. The rest of the night was spent tossing and turning and finally at 4pm, I decided to get up and have a little water. BIG Mistake. 5 minutes later, my stomach said, "That's it! Everybody out! Nope, not that way, the way you came in." The toilet and I hugged again.

I called the doc and she gave me an anti-nausea med which was a complete sham, since I felt sick all day on Thursday anyway. But at least the puking had stopped and I was able to keep down fluid. To top it off, my in-laws were coming to visit for the weekend. Mom came down again and made dinner, changed the guest bed and helped me straighten up. Mike's parents arrived at 3pm Thursday and also took pity on me. Luckily, by Friday morning I was starting to feel like my old self and could enjoy the company. My only complaint now is not being able to get enough sleep. I have been up since 4 this morning, and was up at 3am yesterday morning.

I will mention again how super fun this pregnancy has been. Only 5 weeks left. Hopefully less if I have anything to say about it. I suppose I should think about packing a bag and maybe pick a name for this child soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no!! Read my latest post! We are twins.