Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Socially Challenged

So after reading my friends Lyndsay's blog about how a socially retarded person had the nerve to rudely comment on her grocery purchase, I thought I would also share my encounter with a person who apparently was absent the day they taught social boundaries. This person is NOT a friend, but a mere acquaintance at best. Said person calls my house in the morning to see if they can drop something off for me. I was nursing at the time, mom was out walking with Luke, so I didn't answer the phone. The morning got away from me, so I didn't return the call. At noon, my doorbell rings and guess who it is? I'm trying to get Gavin down to sleep and Mom is trying to feed Luke some lunch. The Visit would have been fine if they had said, I see you have your hands full, here is the item, I'll see you another time. But they didn't. They invited themselves in and began in ask to hold the baby, invite themselves to my house to go swimming in my pool, tell my mother what she would be doing to help me with the baby, and also tried to kiss Luke when she decided to leave. Luke is whining and trying to dodge said person, as he is not fond of "strangers" touching him.

I don't know where these people come from. They are right up there with the "Close Talkers" and "long huggers". Social boundaries people! GET SOME!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Swim in your pool?! I hope they read your blog! :)