Friday, September 5, 2008

Find what's wrong

Look closely at the picture of the Luke. Something is amiss. Do you see it? Keep looking.

If you are still looking and see nothing wrong, take a look at his shorts. Yes, those are BACK pockets. I put them on backwards, left the house with him like that, went shopping, and did not notice until we got home and I was helping him down the stairs. This is what happens when you dress your child in the dark and are in a rush. I hope he can forgive me someday for taking him in public like this.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

This will soon be forgotten when he chooses to dress himself with his pants on backwards. Daniela has a pair of courdoroy jeans that she will only wear backwards so she can see the hearts on the back pockets. I can't imagine it is comfortable to sit on the button and zipper, but she does it everytime she wears them.

I try to make sure she wears a long shirt :)