Friday, September 26, 2008


So being the genius I am, I fell down the stairs while bringing laundry down to the washer and managed to break my big toe. Lame I know and kinda funny. I would be laughing except that a broken big toe is a lot more painful that one would think. It basically feels like there is a 200 lb. person standing on my toe. And there is really nothing they can do. He just tapped my big toe to my second toe, gave me crutches, a prescription for vicodin, and sent me packing with instructions that included ice and keep elevated. Perfect. Should be a piece of cake with a 2 month old and a busy 19 month old toddler who thrills in running away any chance he can get. Well, at least I got some good drugs out of the deal.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh Ali - I'm so sorry! Gotta love the "just stay off of it for a few weeks". I tried telling the kids "just don't move until Mommy is better!" but they didn't listen... Cameron decided to walk less than a week after I got my crutches. He certainly found outrunning Mommy to be quite amusing.

I wish you a speedy recovery!