Sunday, October 12, 2008

Slow talker

It is no news that Luke has been kind of on the slow side when it comes to actually speaking words that I can understand. Recently he seems to be making leaps and bounds in this department. He will say Blue, but only when he wants to watch Blues Clues. That's OK. I'll take it. He will say and use the sign for More. He said Cookie, Cheese, and Milk. He will say woof when he sees a dog too. I'm excited that his language is finally coming. I was starting to get a little worried again. Oh and he will put his fingers together when he wants me to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider too. So cute.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Sounds like good progress.

I am gearing up to ask the doctor where the rest of Cameron's teeth are --- he still only has 6. However, knowing me I will forget to ask until we pull out of the parking lot...