Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TAG, I'm it!

So my good friend Lyndsay tagged me. Sounds like fun, so here goes. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog 3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself 4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs 5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. 6. Let your tagger know when your entry is UP.

Fun Facts about Me:
• I LOVE bad trashy TV. I think it is the total absurdity of bad TV that I enjoy so much. My daily dose comes in the form of General Hospital, which I TiVo so I can enjoy the absurdity anytime I want. Usually at 5am in morning.

• My favorite color is orange. The obsession with orange started when I was an undergrad and has stuck with me ever since. Not sure why, but I am trying to pass on the obsession to my child be dressing him in orange any chance I can get.

•Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Most people probably say Christmas is their favorite, but Christmas for me equals stress. All the running around from store to store, trying to get the "perfect" gift(s) for people, always thinking, "Should I really be spending this kind of money, blah blah. Plus Christmas has just gotten too commercial for me. Thanksgiving has all the good stuff with out all the fuss. Lots of good food, getting together with family , watching a football game and passing out with your pants unbuttoned from stuffing your face. Sounds like a great day to me.

• I really miss the gym. I was a religious gym goer before children. Yoga on Mondays, Step on Tuesday, Pilates on Wednesday, and weight training on Thursday. I was in pretty good shape. Now, not so much. I'm hoping to carve out some time for myself to get back into shape.

• I love to travel. I've been to Japan, Australia, England, Aruba and Canada, just to name the countries I've been to. I'm hoping to do much more when the kids get older. We took Luke to Disney last October and it was NOT a fun trip.

• As much as I love being a mom, part of me still misses the life and job I had before. I have a whole wardrobe and shoes that stare at me and remind me of what was. I know I'm doing what is best for my kids and nothing makes me prouder than to raise my own children, but every time I give to them, my husband, my home, and give nothing to myself a little piece of me disappears.

OK, so since I only know one other blogger, not six, I am tagging Kristin. Tag, you're it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Great post. ;)