Monday, June 29, 2009

Best Birthday Present

Yesterday was my birthday. As many of you know, when you get to a "certain" age, you no longer get birthday gifts. Maybe a couple of cards and plenty of birthday wishes via facebook, e-mail, and telephone. Which is totally OK by me. I'm not one to make a stink about my birthday. But I did get to see Gavin take his first unassisted steps. Man, I'm in trouble.

On a separate note, my last post stated that I would be out of town this past weekend. I had to be all vague, because the truth of the matter was that I was going to my sister-in-laws house in NY for her surprise 30th birthday party. So Mike and I concocted an elaborate story involving work and visiting friends to justify our visit this weekend, as well as to why we would not be there on saturday, giving her husband the means to get her out of the house. So they leave the house and everyone shows up to set up tables, start cooking, frost cupcakes etc.

It was a great party and a great weekend. Luke and Gavin got to meet their great-grandparents for the first time. They also had a great time playing with their cousins and getting smooches from grandma and grandpa. The car trip wasn't too terrible with the kids either. I have pics to post as soon as I get them off the camera. I know, I say this all the time.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Go Gavin! Good luck with that Ali :) They will be conspiring to make trouble before you know it!