Friday, October 23, 2009

Gavin's 15th Month check-up

Gavin had his 15-month check-up yesterday. (yes, 15 months, I don't know where the time went either.) He is doing very well hitting his milestones and growing FAST. He is 28.8 lbs. and 33 1/2 inches tall. That puts him at 85% for weight and off the charts for height. He is running and trying to jump already. He is quite the little climber which can lead to some dangerous situations (caught him standing on the kitchen table!)

He is starting to talk and has about 5-8 words; mama, dadda, bye-bye, ball, hi, grape, more and all done ("more" and "all done" he does with sign language). He can follow simple directions (when I say, "It is tubby time!" he goes right to the bathroom.) He enjoys playing with big brother Luke, being chased and tickled. He also likes to play peek-a-boo with mommy. It makes us both laugh.

More back tracking, Wednesday was the MOMS club Halloween party. I got a few pix of the kids in their costumes, and will post as soon as I get them off the camera…as usual.

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