Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Potty Training—day 3

Potty training is going much better than I thought it would. Perhaps it is because I waited until both Luke and I were really ready to take this step together.

When Luke got up this morning, he immediately said, "I have to go pee pee on the potty. " We ran to the potty together, got the Pull-up down (which was almost completely dry) and pee pee in the potty. This was something that I completely did not expect from Luke, but it was a very pleasant surprise and confirmation that he IS really ready for this.

After he is done, he starts to whine, "I want to put on underwear. " Yes, you are going to wear underwear." Luke: I want to wear Thomas underwear. ME: Well, you had one accident yesterday, and you need to go one whole day with no accidents before you can wear Thomas." Luke: OK. So back into Gerber training pants we went.

We also were attempting a short outing today as well. We have Beginning Years playgroup on Tuesdays. I prepared for this by getting a portable potty seat but plan on returning it because the reviews are right, it doesn't stay on the toilet. So if anyone can recommend one, I'm all ears. But at least I felt like I was prepared and didn't worry about accidents. (i packed extra pants and underwear too.)

We have been accident free all morning, and Luke caught himself at lunchtime, said he had to go and off he went to the potty. His training pants were a little wet, but it didn't make it all the way through to his pants. I don't think Luke or I are ready for long outings yet, at least not by myself. I could do it if Mike were with me, so that I wouldn't have to drag Gavin into the bathroom too. He is kind of nightmare right now. But we will get there.

POST Edit: While I was typing this, Luke was pooping in his pants in the next room. Oh well, I knew that was coming. I've heard many parents say that this takes longer. Any tips on how to wash poop out of underwear?


Kristin said...

Pretreat with Lestoil, then wash normal.

Hang in there, sounds like it is going really well so far

Unknown said...

Oxyclean! I could star in infomercials about that stuff.

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

Oh man I'm not looking forward to that whole poop in the pants thing. Can I skip that whole stage.