This is me, three years, three months, and three days before I became a mother. Like many woman, I felt like a mother the minute the line on the stick turned pink. I loved "him" (yep I knew it was a him too, call it mother's intuition) that second, and knew I would do anything to keep him safe. But the reality of motherhood didn't really begin until the second he was born with a whole new wave of love—a Love that has no words to describe it, and only those who have also embarked on this adventure called motherhood, can understand its depth. And with that Love, came Fear and Worry. Fear that they would be safe in an unsafe world, Worry over ever sniffle, every scrape, every choice you made for them that it is the right choice, and the list goes on.
And I would not trade a second of it.
Happy Mother's Day, Ali! Cute cute photo. :)
Great post Ali - and SO true. I always knew I would love my kids, but I never knew the depth of that love until I actually became a mother - it's like no other love in the world and I wouldn't trade a second of it either! Thanks for sharing your adorable prego pic :-)
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