Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yes, I know I have been a very bad blogger. But last week I was on vacation with the kids—actually anyone who has kids will tell you that going on "vacation" with kids really isn't a vacation at all. Anyway, long story short, we had a time share week that was "use it or loose it". So I packed the kids up and took them to North Conway NH. Mike had to work so I dragged my mom with me because there was no way I was going to endure a week long vacation by myself.

But we had a great time. We went to Santa's Village, took a ride on the North Conway Scenic Railroad, took the Cog Train up Mount Washington, visited the Children's Museum, the weather museum, lots of shops, and even saw a friend from college that I hadn't seen in a decade. It was great to experience the kids first train ride, which they loved. There were melt downs and Luke was pretty homesick, asking to go home everyday. So by Thursday, we had done everything we had planned to do, so decided to head home a day early.

Luke had his final soccer game on Saturday, which he had a great time playing and even got a medal for participating this season. Maybe he will want to play in the spring. We shall see.

Happy Halloween! All month Luke refused to participate in Halloween. He wanted nothing to do with it. No costume, no trick-or-treating. They last night, he decided that dressing up is something NOT SCARY and knocking on doors to get free candy could be really fun. So he decided he wanted to be a firefighter (same as last year) and Gavin decided he wanted to be the same. So off to Target I went at 8:30pm on Oct 30th to get a costume. Gavin fit into Luke costume from last year, so I only needed to buy one. I was able to find on and get it at 15% off. SCORE!

We went trick-or-treating with some friends that live is a safe quiet neighborhood. The boys were excited to go and when the friends heard we were coming they were just as excited. I decided to go as the cat they rescued from a tree. Hear are some pics from the evening:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look awesome!! And the boys look so darling. :)