Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moronic move while at Disney

So I forgot to mention that while I was in Disney, I accidentally put my cell phone through the washer. It was Friday morning, our last full day there. We had to check out of our current hotel and were staying at a Marriott by the airport that night. Our flight left Saturday at 11am. Of course Gavin decided to wet his pack and play sheet—the only one I had brought, so I decided to do a quick load of wash before we checked out of the hotel—which we needed to do before 10am. And the green person I am can't run a washing machine for one item, so in my haste to quickly fill it, I grabbed my shorts that I had worn the night before to Magic Kingdom. 10 Minutes into the wash cycle, I decide, "Hey I better charge my phone." I went to look for it and realized that I had probably just put it in the washer—and I did. I found it at the bottom, retrieved it, removed the battery to dry it out and kept my fingers crossed that it would work again.

No such luck. It turns on, but it doesn't get a signal anymore. So that's the end of that, I officially need a new phone. No, this doesn't mean I get a new fancy phone for Christmas.

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