Friday, December 10, 2010

Reason for the Season

I read something yesterday about a Mega-church in Texas that is calling out businesses as being Grinchy if they say, "Happy Holidays" to it's customers instead of Merry Christmas, since the REASON for THIS SEASON is Christ. I wish I could find the link to share, but I couldn't. Let me start off by saying that I'm a christian and that I celebrate Christmas. And that I'm well aware that Jesus is the reason I celebrate the season. But I'm also aware that there are others that believe something different and celebrate something different than I do this HOLIDAY season. This country was built on freedom to worship as one chooses. So when so called Americans persecute others for their beliefs, in the name of "Their god" well, then you are not behaving as a child of God, a true American—or even as a decent human being.

The reason for this season as a whole should be kindness—to family, to friends to strangers. Maybe this country and the world would be a better place if we could all agree that we are humans and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. And I'm not talking about big donations to charities or grand gestures. I'm talking about holding the door for someone, offering a meal one family in need, helping someone put groceries in their car.

I was a recipient of a random act of kindness today, and boy did it make my whole day. I was in line at BJ's, with the kids in the car shopping cart. Well, don't you know, the minute I try to scan my items, both kids jump out and want to help. I try to get them back in the cart, since Gavin is all about running away, and I can't chase him through the store—but I'm not having any luck with that. So the woman in the line next to me, can see me struggling with them, and jumps over and begins to scan my groceries for me. "I have twin boys and I know how hard this can be. I have had many strangers help me, so I'm paying it forward." I was so thrilled to have her help. For 5 minutes, she was my angel. And that my friends is what being a good neighbor/friend/person is all about.


Unknown said...

Yay to this whole post!

HomemadeMother said...

Couldn't agree more. Thank you for putting it out there.