Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Where did February Go?

I cant believe I have not posted since January. Where did February go? I'll tell you. It was spent caring for sick kids, sick hubby, doctors appointments, birthday parties—yes, parties and shoveling snow. Not to mention a bachelorette party, spa day, broken furnace, new tires for the car and what seemed like the endless baking of cupcakes. Mike was gone most of the month and the week he was home, he had pneumonia. Luke had a stomach bug with a high fever, and Gavin got an ear infection. Everyone is on the mend and I seemed to have escaped without injury—for now.

Luke turned 4 on Feb. 13th—which was a Sunday. Mike arrived home on Friday night early enough that we were able to have a birthday celebration with Nana. Luke wanted pancakes and I HAD to make them—no going out for them. I had baked cupcakes that morning while waiting for the furnace guy to show up and repair the heat (at least with the oven on it kept the kitchen warm). So we had pancakes and cupcakes for dinner.

On Saturday, we went bowling with our good friends and neighbors for Luke's birthday followed by lunch at McDonald's. I was sure to bring more cupcakes for the kids to have after their happy meals had been consumed. Sunday, my brother and his family came by to bring Luke a gift and wish him a happy birthday. We had cupcakes, and Mike flew back to DC for the week.

Monday, Valentines day, Luke had a party at school for all the kids whose birthday were in Feb and to celebrate valentines day. Luke brought cupcakes—dairy and nut free cupcakes to school to share with his friends.

I got both boys registered for Preschool next fall. hooray! Luke will be going 5 mornings a week and Gavin will be going 2. I'm starting to think about how I want to spend my time while they are both in school. I have one thing in the works, which I'm not ready to share, but promise to share soon.

All I know is that Spring is around the corner and cannot get here soon enough. There is still about 2 feet of snow on the ground and I hope it is gone before my spring flowers decide to pop up.

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