Monday, June 2, 2008

Pre-term Labor Scare

So the fun event for the evening was a trip to the hospital for a labor check. I started to not feel great around 12:30, just getting some braxton-hicks contractions. So I changed into something more comfortable and just hung out with Luke in the living room for the rest of the afternoon. At around 2:30, I'm thinking, these suckers are starting to get really uncomfortable and OH Crap!, I've been feeling them for about 2 hours. Maybe I should call the doc? I'll give it until 3, if i'm still having them I'll give her a call. So at 3:15 I call and I get the nurse who tells me to drink 2 8oz. glasses of water sit on the couch and time the contractions. Call her back in 20 minutes to tell her how it went. So down went the water, and i sat there with a watch and a piece of paper noting the time of each one. 3:22, 3:25, 3:31, 3:36, 3:40, 3:43, 3:48…um better call her back. Told her what was happening. OK, Dr. K will probably want you to go to the hospital for a labor check. Let me talk to her and I'll call you back in a few. So I call my mom to let her know what is going on, call Mike to let him know what is going on, both are racing to get here, Luke is being a PIA, so I decide he is prob. hungry and start to make his dinner. While feeding him I look at the clock, almost 4:30 and no word form the doc. I'd better call back they close at 5. Nope, they close at 4:30 and I got the answering service. So the Doc on call called me back and said yep you better come to the hospital for a labor check. Mike arrives, Mom arrives, off we go. I have 6 contraction in the car on the way to the hospital. we get there, the strap on the monitors, in goes the IV. Doc comes in, wants to check if i'm dilated, and also take a "swab" that will allow them to run a pre-term labor test to see of labor is eminent in the next 2 weeks. Ordered some dinner and let them pump me full of fluids.

Well, they sent me home obviously, not in labor, and my test came back negative. But I am on "bed rest". Not strict bed rest, I can move about the house, I just can't do anything. no cleaning, no grocery shopping and minimal carrying/picking up of Luke. Mom is staying over to help me with Luke tomorrow and I see my Doc on Wednesday. She will re-evaluate the situation then and take it from there. Have I mentoned how much I'm enjoying this experience?


Kristin said...

Glad to hear you are hanging in there... I bet you will be as good at bed rest as I am at not putting weight on my leg.

BTW - Mike's company makes the Fetalfibronectin test that "predicts" pre-term delivery. He was glad to hear that your doctor used it, although not that they needed to.

Unknown said...

Eeek! Hang in there!! I've had that test before to determine if you will go into labor in two weeks. That is amazing that it can predict that!