Sunday, July 6, 2008

new diaper bag

I finally decided that I needed a new diaper bag. I have been using my book bag from collage. I still have the shoulder bag that I registered for and received as a shower gift. A bag that I love, but it is way to big for everyday use. I use it when we go to Nana's house or travel someplace and need to bring everything but the kitchen sink. But for everyday use, it is just way too big. So I started using the free one that the hospital gives you that is full of formula. That did fine for awhile, but eventually fell apart. Plus it kept falling off my shoulder as Luke got bigger and bigger and became more of a PIA to carry over the stairs. Enter the back pack. If I knew then what I know now, I would have just gotten the back pack diaper bag in the first place. I would have just continued to use my back pack book bag, except that it doesn't have any "compartments" so it becomes a major pain to find anything in. The new one I got has a special separate insulated compartment just for bottles, a place for my keys, a place for a binky, a place for the changing pad etc. I'm looking forward to using it and will let you know how it goes.

On a side note, I used my birthday money to purchase said bag. In BC time (before children) I would have used the money for a new pair of shoes, purse or something frivolous. Those days are gone, at least for now.

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