Monday, January 19, 2009

A Snowy Weekend and Tender moment

For those of you that aren't suffering from snow and below freezing temps in the Northeast (ahem…Lyndsay) this is the view of my backyard from Luke's playroom yesterday morning. Yes, it is snowing. I had been up earlier in the morning, around 5am to feed Gavin and saw a deer eating the evergreen bush on the left side of this photo. They have been coming around a lot lately. I usually don't see them, but there have been many tracks and piles of deer poop in our backyard.

Luke has really been quite taken with the baby I bought him when I was pregnant with Gavin lately. He has been doing a lot of mimicking of me caring for Gavin. the past few days, it has been that baby has poop. He comes running to me while smelling baby's butt saying, "poopy, poopy" and insists I change him. Great. I have to "change imaginary poopy diapers on top of the VERY real ones. "All clean" I say and this seems to suffice him. Tonight's, Luke decided he needed to feed baby after watching me feed Gavin. So Luke puts baby into his highchair, and asks for a spoon and bowl. I hand them over and he is content to feed his baby. Very cute.

Gavin is looking over thinking, "Umm, you are supposed to be feeding me. What gives?"

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