Friday, May 28, 2010

The Joys of Boys

Ahhh, the joy of being a boy, as we continue along this potty training journey, is the thrill a three-year-old will get when he realizes he has the ability to pee on stuff. And not just ANY stuff, but to be able to actually aim and fire at will—on rocks, on bugs, on just about anything one pleases. As a female, I cannot relate to the apparent "awesomeness" of this particular skill, but it is one that has become increasingly popular in this house. And not just by the potty training child. The younger brother has also decided that being able to pee on stuff is really cool and would like to join in. And has. And not always outside or in the bathroom. The hubby's only contribution to this new found fascination has been, "Wait until you can write your name in the snow."
Perfect. I can't wait for that either.


Michele said...

OMG - My husband said the EXACT same thing - wait until you can write your name in the snow!

I bet you can't wait until they try peeing for distance!

Ali said...

Must be a male thing

AmyR0618 said...

HA! I don't have any boys, so I can't relate to the "peeing on everything", but I can relate to the lack of hubby support. I am trying to teach my daughter that it isn't polite to fart at the dinner table. Kinda hard to teach her that when hubby thinks it is hilarious to fart did he get the ROYAL evil eye when he farted at the dinner table minutes after I told my daughter NOT to do the yi yi...they never really grow up...