Earlier this week, I planned a MOMS Night Out event for the MOMS club I belong too. The adventure: Rock Climbing. Six of us headed over to the
Central Rock Climbing Gym to have a go at Rock Climbing. What a thrill! We started with an easy climb at 30 feet, then 40 ft. then 60ft. Next goal is to get me Belay Certification so that I can climb when my heart desires. Belaying is controlling the rope in a safety system while the climber is on the taller walls in the gym.
Here are some pics from the evening.

Here I am about half way up the 60 ft. wall

Just finished the 40 ft wall.

The group 5 moms and 1 dad.
This was a lot of fun. If you and Carrie go to get certified, let me know. I'll join you if I can!
'Now a snot wiper and poop checker to two boys (almost 3 and 18 months)'
Russ (via Blogger Next Blog)
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