Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mo More Binky Either

Looks like I have finally gotten Luke to give up his binky. Last night, while getting ready for bed, there was no binky to be found. I have one stashed away with Gavin's extra, but it was getting late, so I said to Luke, either I keep looking for you binky or you get stories, but it is too late now and you can't have both. He chose stories. So I read him a couple of extras, and promised that since binky got lost and wasn't able to be given to the Binky fairy to give to a baby, he could pick out something at the toy store tomorrow. That seemed to cheer him right up. Five minutes later after I leave his room I can hear something in the kitchen. I go out there and there's Luke, "I'm looking for my binky now." Sorry kid, back to bed you go. He went to sleep without tears, and today, as promised we went to Toy R us, and he picked out an R/C Hiro from Thomas & Friends. HE also decided that Gavin needed one too (or rather that he wasn't going to be sharing with Gavin so he should get his own—smart kid). Unfortunately, there was only one Hiro, but plenty of Molly's. So Gavin got an R/C Molly instead. Luke ran up to everyone in the store to tell them about his R/C Hiro. It was pretty cute and everyone was getting a kick out of his excitement. Pure joy out of something so simple. How wonderful to be a child.

ON a side note, I didn't chuck the binky—it IS lost somewhere in this house. Hopefully I will find it before he does. Otherwise, our progress will be obsolete.

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