Monday, January 17, 2011

Watch What You Say

I know that I haven't posted in a while…OK more than a while…almost a whole month! I was having some troubles with my computer. My Mac lap top, which just celebrated it's 4th birthday, on it's last leg. I'm already on battery # 2, it has a dent on its side from Luke dropping it over the gate and the power cord finally broke. So my hubby the hero, ordered another one for me and it seems to be working OK. Although, I am going to need a new battery…again, real soon me thinks.

The kids are keeping me on my toes as usual. Luke gets up from his quiet time the other day and politely asks fro some juice. I give him some, which he sucks down in 5 minutes before asking for more. I tell him he already had juice and he can now have some water. He slams his cup down on the counter and says, "Damn it!" before running off to play in the other room. I start to chuckle because he catches me off guard and his mannerisms just killed me. He must have heard me chuckling, b/c then I hear, "damn it, damn it, damn it" from the other room. I start to tell him that that is not nice to say, which just makes him say it more. So I drop it and I haven't heard it since. I really need to watch what I say.

We went Candlepin Bowling today. It was the first time the boys had ever been. It was the first time Mike had ever been as well. It was a lot of fun. Luke had a great time. Gavin had fun too, but he seemed over it about half way through our game and didn't seem to have much interest in playing. They wanted to go to the arcade area instead. So we did that for a few minutes also. It was great to spend time as a family, especially since Mike is going to be gone for the next 3 weeks. boo hiss.

I'm starting to look at some preschools for the boys next year. I really like the school Luke is at now, but their schedule doesn't really fit my needs with both boys attending. Gavin will be going in the morning and Luke in the afternoon. I'll be spending my day driving back and forth. So I'm trying to find a new place where they can both go in the morning. Wish me luck!

Also Luke will be turning 4 next month. How that happened, I have no idea, but I'm trying to figure out what to do for his birthday. I'm open to suggestions. Please post some!

1 comment:

Traci Jean said...

For my sons 3rd birthday he was really into superhero's of all kinds so we had a super hero party but the catch was everybody (kids and adults) had to make up their own superhero and come dressed as that. I had cut some capes out of plastic $1 store tableclothes and let the kids decorate them with foam stickers. It was a huge hit and we did it again a few years later when my nephew got into the superhero phase. A great way to draw the adults in too which at that age there alwasy seem to be more adults than kids and can be done indoors or outdoors depending on the weather.

Can't wait to see what you do.