Saturday, April 9, 2011

See?! They ARE Trying to Kill Me!

I've always joked that the kids are trying to kill me—with their bickering, sleep issues, eating issues, keeping them safe, etc. If you are a parent, you know what I'm talking about. I've also joked that the way I'm going out of this word is via stepping on a one of their toys and breaking my neck. Well, the latter came true this week. I didn't break my neck, just a grade three ankle sprain that involves an ACE bandage, an air cast and crutches that I've decided I don't need.

It all went down wednesday evening when I SHOULD have been at Zumba®. But Luke has been having a hard time with me leaving and my regular sitter had something come up for school anyway. So I stayed home. After putting the kids to bed, I came down the two steps that lead to the playroom and OUCH OUCH OUCH! I stepped on a truck with my left foot, rolled my ankle and fell. Snap, crackle, pop. CRAP! I crawled to the freezer and got some ice. crawled to the couch, put my leg up and iced for 2 hours. I'll be fine, I thought. I just pretend I didn't hear anything and there is nothing really wrong with my potato-sized ankle.

I drove Luke to the allergist the next morning, Thursday, and limped around. My neighbor is a nurse and was outside. I had her take a look at it. When I pulled off my sock, she said, "Oh My GOD! you should really go to the ER!" My response, "I will, when I have time."

When I got the kids home, fed and off to nap, I called my mom. She came down that evening and I drove myself to the ER. Two and a half hours and several X-Rays later, I was released with a Grade-Three sprain, which means that a little piece of bone was pulled off when the ligament tore. (Well, that would explain the pop.) I have to wear the ACE bandage and air cast for 2 weeks, then just the air cast for another 2 weeks. After that I only have to wear the air cast when I'm doing any kind of activity where I might re-injure it—for 2 months. Super. I'm going to be in major Zumba® withdrawal. This sucks.

But it is amazing to know that I have good friends that have offered to help with meals or anything else I might need, trips to the store, etc. So even though I have hit a bit of bad luck, I feel blessed to have such amazing friends to lean on.

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