Monday, April 11, 2011

Suck It Sunday

Remember that feeling when you were a kid when Sunday evenings would roll around? I used to call it Sunday Night Anxiety. Ugh, back to school, uniforms and the dreaded nuns with rulers. And that feeling would continue until I found a job I loved. They Monday didn't seem so bad. Now, I loathe Sunday nights for an entirely different reason. It is the night Mike heads out of town to whatever city he happens to be working that week. As of late he has been traveling to DC on a long project. This is week 5 and there are 3 left for a total of 8 weeks straight. Since Jan1st, 2011, Mike has spent a total of 4 weeks maybe 5 at home—one of which was spent with pneumonia. I never sleep well when he is gone, and sunday night is the worst night. I can never get to sleep and I can never stay asleep. Friday and Saturday night, I sleep like a rock.

Sunday seemed worse this week than usual, probably because I'm hurt. (see previous post) But I also feel blessed. When news spread of my situation, the MOMS® Club that I belong to sprang into action and organized Sunshine meals for me. Sunshine meals are delivered when a member needs some extra support, such as after the birth of a baby, illness, injury or other family situation. In two hours, every slot was filled and people were still volunteering. How lucky I feel to be a part of this group that would help out any and all of its members in a time of need. Thank you. It is so appreciated.


rachel neil said...

I've been a mother for 12 years now, my daughter is emma, she's 12 and my son is chandler, he's 6.

Mimi said...

i get that sunday night anxiety... it sucks! :)