Friday, May 29, 2009

Surviving a Super Sucky Week-take 2

Yes, I have been away from the blog for a week, trying to survive. After my last post, Luke decided he was not going to take a nap. I called my good friend and neighbor "L" (whose hubby was also out of town for the week) and asked if her son "C" was taking his nap. She chuckles and says, "nooo". Well, in the spirit of "misery loves company" we decided to get together. So I packed the boys in the stroller and went to her house. The boys played outside and had a grand 'ole time, while us mommies drank iced coffee and vented. "L" made a lovely pizza for all of us for dinner, and I had the boys passed out in their beds by 7pm. I was off to bed shortly after.

However, my plans for a grand sleep were disrupted when Luke woke up at 9:30pm. Gavin followed at 11pm. Luke was up again at 12:30, Gavin at 2. You get the picture. Another sleepless night for the mommy. Both Boys wake up thursday morning with the snots. Perfect. I still have a sore throat, runny nose and cough also, which I had been battling for 2 weeks already.

Thursday and Friday seemed to go better. Kids were pretty good, taking naps and playing well. Mike's calls Friday to let me know his flight has been delayed, so he didn't get in until 2:30am saturday morning. He was up and gone by 8:30 to move out of his office, and I was left alone with the kids for another day. I spent the day with a nauseous tummy. Mike returned at 8pm, after I just got Luke off to bed. Sunday would have been a nice day except I felt like crap, literary, as my "stomach" bug continued into the lower bowel region.

Monday rolls around and I finally decide that I need to haul myself to the doc. The sore throat, and cough have gotten worse and my head is pounding. I spent most of the day in bed, While Mike watched the kids. Turns out I have Bronchitis and a sinus infection. They put me on the super antibiotics and sent me packing. Tuesday, I feel worse, the head feels like it might explode from pressure. Wednesday is much of the same, and now I feel a lump on the side my neck. Swollen lymph nodes, super. Last time I felt one this size, I had Mono. I called my doc, who was too busy to see my and Urgent Care was booked also. So I waited another day. Went back to the doc yesterday, only to be told that I need to wait longer for the antibiotics to work, at least 10 days. Well then why did you tell me to come back in THREE days if i wasn't feeling better or got worse? Make up your mind doc!

On the up side I am feeling better today than I was. Mike is watching the kids so that I can actually get some rest. stay tuned.

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