Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Miscellaneous Thoughts

The post is basically a bunch of random thoughts and events of the past several weeks. None long enough to post on their own, but many of them amusing.

About a week ago, Mike called me downstairs to meet his new furry friend,"brown field mouse."
Perfect. So the next day I went to the store to get some mouse traps. Mike set both of them, one by my dryer and the other near his tool bench. Nothing. Sunday he left for Buffalo and all I can think is, "I hope that mouse moved out b/c I really don't want to deal with dead mouse trap. Yesterday I checked them—both empty—but right in front of the tool bench there is the mouse—laying on his side, dead. Don't know what caused him to pass, but was happy it wasn't a trap. So I got the shovel and put it outside in the woods. Fun.

The other night the boys wanted to use the window markers to draw on the windows. So I got them out. As I was watching them, I started to think about the differences between boys and girls. We all know they are different—for obvious reasons—but how they learn, play and grow are different that just their "physical" difference. Case in point: if you give 8 markers to a 2- and 3-year-old girls, they will happily create beautiful pictures. If you give those same markers to a 2 and 3-year old boys, they will scribble a big ball of "crash" before fitting the markers together cap to end, create a sword and begin dueling.

It is snowing here today. It has been very cold the last few weeks. Mike has been working from home, which has been really nice. This week, he is in Buffalo—returning in time for Christmas eve. However, it is also snowing. I do not know how to use the snow blower. Figures the week he is gone we get our first snow fall of the year. Shoveling…grrr.

I made Christmas countdown calendars with the kids this year. Luke can't have the traditional "chocolate behind a paper door" calendar that you get in the store because of his peanut allergy. So this year, after a friend told me how she makes them with her kids, we did the same. We glued some Heresey Kisses to poster board, and the kids decorated them. Gavin doesn't quite get the conept of one a day and has been liberating them whenever he feels like it. I finally had to hang it out of reach.

The countdown to Christmas is on and I'm starting to have a bit of a panic attach about it. Will keep you posted.


Unknown said...

If you're Maya, you'll try to EAT the markers. I have changed so many technicolor diapers as a result of crayon snacking. :)

Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

happy new years

Anonymous said...

Hi. I came across your blog one afternoon when I was browsing through and just wanted to let you know I enjoy your posts. I am a mother of 3 boys so this post really tickled me.

Traci Jean said...

Haha, the mouse thing is awesome. When my son was 2 we had a mouse in the house. It was chased and whacking at with a hockey stick but was able to get away finally. The next morning, my son brought me the dead mouse and was crying because "Mickey Mouse was dead". We had to take him to Disneyland on vacation to prove that mommy had not killed Mickey mouse after all.

Its always good to know that I'm not the only one.