Sunday, July 17, 2011

Holy Smokes—A blog update

So I'm sure many of you have been wondering if I was ever going to post again. I've got some very cute and funny stories to share. First I will share what I have been up too. The Ankle is mostly healed, and I'm still working on getting my full range of motion back, but I don't have to wear that awful brace anymore. I'm teaching Zumba® on Saturday mornings at 8am for the months of July and August and subbing for my current instructor once a month and whenever else she may need me. I'm also studying to get my Group Exercise Certification in the fall. I haven't studied since grad school, and it is hard to get motivated when you are taking care of children for 12 hours a day and have an absent husband. But I really need to buckle down and get it done.

Gavin turned 3. I am officially the mother of two preschool boys. They are busy and do everything at full speed. Its exhausting. And fun. And frustrating. And I wouldn't trade it. The big gift was a big boy bike like Luke's with training wheels. He loves it and is getting really good at riding. Luke has asked if he can take off his training wheels, but then quickly retracts and says he's not ready. I agree.

Gavin said he wanted to wear big boy underwear instead of diapers. 5 hours later, 3 changes of
pants, a poop on deck and he was back in diapers per his request. We'll try that again in 2 months.

OK, now for the good stuff. Funny stories involving the boys. One night, as I'm getting the boys out of the tub, Luke asks me, "What are these called?" me: Those are your nipples. Luke: Do You you have nipples? Me: Yes. Luke: No you don't, you have breasts. Me: Yes, but I also have nipples on my breasts, that's how Mommies feed babies, that's where the milk comes out. That's how I used to feed you. Luke: How Could you DO THAT TO ME! (in a completely appalled voice. The look on his face was pretty priceless too). Mike is down the hall dressing Gavin and I seriously thought he was going to give himself a hernia he was laughing so hard.

The Pool is open! and we have been enjoying it just about everyday that we can. One morning as I was getting them ready to go outside. Gavin looks at me and says, "Look at my cute butt!" at which point he turns around and starts to shake it. Then I almost gave myself a hernia from laughing so hard. And of course it would not be complete until Luke drops his pants and joins the cute butt shaking event.

Gavin says Damn it! when he is frustrated. Any advice on how to get him to stop would be greatly appreciated.

I have jury duty next week. That should be fun. Can't wait for that.
OK Thats all for now. I promise to try and post more regularly.

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